The past week I have not been painting much, the weather as been perfect in South Texas (except we need some rain as usual). It will soon be hot here and I will be inside in the air conditioning. I have been working on this garden patch for a couple of years now, being new to the sand, deer, my big pets and ants -it has been a battle.
Click on pictures for larger views.
Bluebonnets are the state flower of Texas and it is illegal to pick them. There are bluebonnet trails where the blueness looks like a ocean. These just came up last year in the garden area I did not plant them.
The bluebonnet is similar to snapdragons for those who have never seen one.
This is a thorn less blackberry, with it first flower bud.
My recyclers
the llama shed being built
Someday I hope to have this garden section a formal sitting garden, I have some blueberries growing, crepe myrtle, angel trumpet, jane magnolia, couple roses and rose of sharon (all made it through the winter)...I will post their pictures when they are in bloom....
peace and love, joyce